THE WHITE FEATHER. The white feather seems to show up every so often at very auspicious moments, sometimes with unbelievable precision. The kind of precision that cannot possibly be a coincidence or a freak occurrence; rather, it is an interface with Spirit. I’ve heard some people say that when the white feather shows up, it is someone from the other side making contact, like a relative who has passed sending a signal. I wouldn’t dispute that at all having seen the way that it can be used to interact with consciousness for conformation of the more etheric presences. I would say it goes a step further, that the moment the white feather appears is directly associated with thought. I have seen the white feather appear at such moments, so many times that I feel it is worth mentioning and tagging as a sign-post along the Way. In truth, our whole reality is seething with these signs, as the whole picture we see is of the essence. Providing a conformation of connection and a reassurance of existence, the white feather can be used as a clear example of the correlation between thought-form and manifest reality.