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(2012 -2021) This report is on behalf of the lineage holding the Toltec tradition. The Toltec Civilization was based in Ancient Mexico over 5000 years ago, which incidentally is about as long as the short count on the Mayan calendar. The Toltec are the ancestors of the Maya and the Aztecs, who’s calendar you are probably aware of…unless of course you have been in another Galaxy for the last several thousand years. The Mayan calendar shows several different levels of calculations representing cycles in our Solar System. A cycle of 26,500 years on one level is split into 5 different counts of around 5,000 years. This calendar was constructed using the information that was passed down to them through the ages from ancient Mexico. The teachings from Ancient Mexico explain that the Tonal is manifest from the Nagual. The Nagual is the dream state and the Tonal is the waking state. Tonal is the Day and Nagual is the Night. In Tonal there is life and death, birth and rebirth. Nagual is the force behind and beyond all the concept in the Tonal. The Nagual is the Subconscious and the Tonal is the Conscious. Carlos Castaneda writes in his account of meeting Don Juan that the master told him:“The Tonal begins at birth and ends at death, but the Nagual never ends. The Nagual has no limit. The Nagual is where Power hovers…For the Nagual, there is no land, or air, or water. Therefore, the Nagual glides, or flies, or does anything it can do in the time of the Nagual, which is not related at all to the time of the Tonal. These two things do not intersect….the Tonal and the Nagual are two different worlds. In one you talk, in the other you act.”Nagualism is the ancient training for the ruling class and the warriors in the tradition of the Ancient Mexico and it prepares the Self for the dream state. It is to become the master of the dream. In the tradition of the Nagual the dream is the real life and the waking state is considered to be the dream. Sergio Magana began into the tradition at age nineteen and reveals that the original Toltec tradition has not been commonly known about, not because it has been hidden but because apparently no one has been interested in it from around the time of the Spanish invasion up until very recent years. He goes on to say that it wasn’t safe to keep the tradition around that time and so it is only recently it is coming to surface in modern times. The calendar we commonly know is the Mayan version that was actually constructed more recently than the original Toltec count and there is a slight difference in that the long count of 26,500 year cycles that was split into 4 different short counts rather than 5. 6,525 year cycles. That means that every 5 Sun cycles, the Mayan calendar and the ancient Toltec count match up exactly. This is that time now. Both versions of the calendar agree that we are entering into the next Sun. It’s the ancient transition from the 5th Sun to the 6th Sun. Every 26,500 years represents a single age of the Sun. Each alternative Sun of each Age represents either what is known in the tradition as a Sun of Light or a Sun of Darkness. It’s not that it’s good or bad Sergio says, it’s just that one represents Day, and one represents Night. You could call it the Night or the Moon if you like. There are many differences in the language that makes it maybe seem like something that it isn’t if you don’t read into it properly. Like the Toltec’s word for ‘death’ is the same word for ‘sleep’ and also the same word for ‘change’. The 5th Sun is a Sun of Light. When we are in a cycle of a Sun of Light, it is the Day. It’s all about waking life; it’s about rationality, reason and waking clarity. It’s actually quite difficult at first to understand these things in the particular time we are living in even though that’s what we have been doing. It almost doesn’t make sense unless you look at it from a few different angles, like actually from the perspective of the next Age. Sergio explains that the Mayan calendar makes it look like the transition could be very abrupt, but the original Toltec view on the transition is more like that of Nature, where the Day turns slowly into Night and the cycle continues in a gradual movement. Sergio explains that in the ancient tradition, when it is a Sun of Light it is the Day and the tendency is to look outside of your Self for what you think you need. The conscious mind rules over the reality with rationality and reason. We look to God in religion outside of ourselves, we look for satisfaction from material things and we rely on things from outside ourselves to make us feel something inside. Through each alternative long count of 26,500 the age is under the influence of either the day or the night that it is in, through the entire age. At this point we are moving into the 6th Sun, a Sun of Darkness, that darkness is the Night. In the Day, when you are awake, you are looking outside. In the Night, we close our eyes and look inside. The focus is within the Self when the age is ruled by the Nagual. The Moon rules the Night, and in the tradition, it is the Black Tezcatlipoca that represents the Moon. He rules the Smokey Mirror and he rules the dream state. During the Day it is Quetzalcotl who rules the Age. We hear a lot more about Quetzalcotl than we do about Black Tezcatlipoca because apparently the Spanish were not entertained at all by his character, which they deemed to be too much like God in the bible. Sergio explains that this is because the Black Tezcatlipoca rules both dualities through the Age. He was the essence of the ancient Mexico traditions, and according to the tradition, the Black Tezcatlipoca can give and also take away, can make you rich or make you poor, or any extremes of the duality. It has been Quetzacotl that has been running the show through the previous cycle that we are just coming out of so that maybe also why we’ve heard more about him than the Black Tezcatlipoca, who’s influence rules over the coming Age. The ancient tradition of Nagualism equips the warrior for the means to navigate through the alternative Suns. Sergio says that the most effective training for a Sun of Darkness involves using an actual mirror and conquering the Self through several different stages of removing the idea of who you think you are, what you think is your history, removing the chatter with it’s heavy ideas, and then by taking out the Enemy, the part of the Self that sabotages Self. According to the tradition, the transition from one Age to another requires a destruction before the next age is fully entered into. If you are starting to get the picture of what this ancient tradition is trying to tell us then you’ll be thinking about how you might be able to prepare your Self for an Age ruled by the Night, where the subconscious and the dream state is the predominant power source. It is the dream that creates the reality. As we enter into the next Age then you will be faced with your Self in the mirror, and your reality will shape to reflect it. Just like in a dream…At the time of the Spanish conquest the tradition of Nagualism was not openly passed to the next generation because of the view that the Catholic Church held about the Black Tezcatlipoca. The Catholic Church put out bad publicity about Nagualism and people practicing the art of the dream state were not openly accepted at the time. After the Spanish rule had faded and they didn’t have to hide anymore the tradition has not had much interest outside of the few who keep the tradition maybe because of the propaganda that was spread around at that time, so the indigenous wisdom was at a very low point having been kept by only a small number of the descending natives. The elders gave the order to pass the tradition and some even became priests of the Catholic Church and then taught Nagualism within the church in a kind of underground movement interwoven into the religious dogma. They said to keep on passing the information and the knowledge of the tradition because the 6th Sun will eventually come back. So now the interest has come back and the time is approaching where the mark on the calendar is about to be met. Some say it’s already gone and done, but the message from the Ancients is that it is a gradual transition. Also another thing to take into consideration is that our modern Gregorian calendar is different to some other calendars, such as the Ethiopian calendar, where the largely talked about December 21st 2012 mark would be more like around the end of what we are calling 2020. Sergio Magana says that this transition into the next Age is around the time of 2012 – 2021. And the implications are colossal. He is talking about a transition into an Age where the energy that rules the reality is the prime source of all energy. The Tonal is manifest from the Nagual. The Nagual is the subconscious realm and the Tonal is the waking mind. So in the Age to come the reality that we live in is the realm of the Subconscious. This is going to be quite tricky to realize at first and it may seem a bit crazy as things change. The ancients even say that it can be like eating plants, but without actually eating plants. I think you know what they mean if you’ve ever eaten plants seen. Ever been in a dream? He says that the worst option in the Nagual tradition is to come back as a human. He says there are three other exits or ways to transition. First exit is that you can become part of the Sun in the transition, but it’s game over for your soul. Yeah we heard about that one Sergio. He says the next exit is to the Stars to be like an Angel or a light being; but technically you lose free will and are bound to service to others. And the third exit not really an exit but a full transition that keeps your energetic body alive through the next Age as an eternal living being with the free will to help anyone as you please. So it’s probably worth mentioning some of these things to your Self in the mirror as we are approaching these times, because you know for sure the Ancestors have not given the indigenous peoples the means to keep this message going all the way into our present day. They say the 6th Sun will eventually come again and the Black Tezcatlipoca will rule the Night in the realm of the Subconscious for thousands of years. It has never been exactly clear where the exact mark is on the clock or exactly what happens when we move through what happens here, but there is a lot of valid information in the Toltec wisdom and it is certainly worth taking note of something that has been passed down through such a very long lineage. It’s a different spectrum of light that creates the reality in the next coming age we are now transitioning into. The 6th Sun brings fortune or tragedy with the same smile.This report is on behalf of the lineage holding the Toltec tradition. The Toltec Civilisation was based in Ancient Mexico over 5000 years ago, which incidentally is about as long as the short count on the Mayan calendar. The Toltec are the ancestors of the Maya and the Aztecs, who’s calendar you are probably aware of…unless of course you have been in another Galaxy for the last several thousand years. The Mayan calendar shows several different levels of calculations representing cycles in our Solar System. A cycle of 26,500 years on one level is split into 5 different counts of around 5,000 years. This calendar was constructed using the information that was passed down to them through the ages from ancient Mexico. The teachings from Ancient Mexico explain that the Tonal is manifest from the Nagual. The Nagual is the dream state and the Tonal is the waking state. Tonal is the Day and Nagual is the Night. In Tonal there is life and death, birth and rebirth. Nagual is the force behind and beyond all the concept in the Tonal. The Nagual is the Subconscious and the Tonal is the Conscious. Carlos Castaneda writes in his account of meeting Don Juan that the master told him:“The Tonal begins at birth and ends at death, but the Nagual never ends. The Nagual has no limit. The Nagual is where Power hovers…For the Nagual, there is no land, or air, or water. Therefore, the Nagual glides, or flies, or does anything it can do in the time of the Nagual, which is not related at all to the time of the Tonal. These two things do not intersect….the Tonal and the Nagual are two different worlds. In one you talk, in the other you act.”Nagualism is the ancient training for the ruling class and the warriors in the tradition of the Ancient Mexico and it prepares the Self for the dream state. It is to become the master of the dream. In the tradition of the Nagual the dream is the real life and the waking state is considered to be the dream. Sergio Magana began into the tradition at age nineteen and reveals that the original Toltec tradition has not been commonly known about, not because it has been hidden but because apparently no one has been interested in it from around the time of the Spanish invasion up until very recent years. He goes on to say that it wasn’t safe to keep the tradition around that time and so it is only recently it is coming to surface in modern times. The calendar we commonly know is the Mayan version that was actually constructed more recently than the original Toltec count and there is a slight difference in that the long count of 26,500 year cycles that was split into 4 different short counts rather than 5. 6,525 year cycles. That means that every 5 Sun cycles, the Mayan calendar and the ancient Toltec count match up exactly. This is that time now. Both versions of the calendar agree that we are entering into the next Sun. It’s the ancient transition from the 5th Sun to the 6th Sun. Every 26,500 years represents a single age of the Sun. Each alternative Sun of each Age represents either what is known in the tradition as a Sun of Light or a Sun of Darkness. It’s not that it’s good or bad Sergio says, it’s just that one represents Day, and one represents Night. You could call it the Night or the Moon if you like. There are many differences in the language that makes it maybe seem like something that it isn’t if you don’t read into it properly. Like the Toltec’s word for ‘death’ is the same word for ‘sleep’ and also the same word for ‘change’. The 5th Sun is a Sun of Light. When we are in a cycle of a Sun of Light, it is the Day. It’s all about waking life; it’s about rationality, reason and waking clarity. It’s actually quite difficult at first to understand these things in the particular time we are living in even though that’s what we have been doing. It almost doesn’t make sense unless you look at it from a few different angles, like actually from the perspective of the next Age. Sergio explains that the Mayan calendar makes it look like the transition could be very abrupt, but the original Toltec view on the transition is more like that of Nature, where the Day turns slowly into Night and the cycle continues in a gradual movement. Sergio explains that in the ancient tradition, when it is a Sun of Light it is the Day and the tendency is to look outside of your Self for what you think you need. The conscious mind rules over the reality with rationality and reason. We look to God in religion outside of ourselves, we look for satisfaction from material things and we rely on things from outside ourselves to make us feel something inside. Through each alternative long count of 26,500 the age is under the influence of either the day or the night that it is in, through the entire age. At this point we are moving into the 6th Sun, a Sun of Darkness, that darkness is the Night. In the Day, when you are awake, you are looking outside. In the Night, we close our eyes and look inside. The focus is within the Self when the age is ruled by the Nagual. The Moon rules the Night, and in the tradition, it is the Black Tezcatlipoca that represents the Moon. He rules the Smokey Mirror and he rules the dream state. During the Day it is Quetzalcotl who rules the Age. We hear a lot more about Quetzalcotl than we do about Black Tezcatlipoca because apparently the Spanish were not entertained at all by his character, which they deemed to be too much like God in the bible. Sergio explains that this is because the Black Tezcatlipoca rules both dualities through the Age. He was the essence of the ancient Mexico traditions, and according to the tradition, the Black Tezcatlipoca can give and also take away, can make you rich or make you poor, or any extremes of the duality. It has been Quetzacotl that has been running the show through the previous cycle that we are just coming out of so that maybe also why we’ve heard more about him than the Black Tezcatlipoca, who’s influence rules over the coming Age. The ancient tradition of Nagualism equips the warrior for the means to navigate through the alternative Suns. Sergio says that the most effective training for a Sun of Darkness involves using an actual mirror and conquering the Self through several different stages of removing the idea of who you think you are, what you think is your history, removing the chatter with it’s heavy ideas, and then by taking out the Enemy, the part of the Self that sabotages Self. According to the tradition, the transition from one Age to another requires a destruction before the next age is fully entered into. If you are starting to get the picture of what this ancient tradition is trying to tell us then you’ll be thinking about how you might be able to prepare your Self for an Age ruled by the Night, where the subconscious and the dream state is the predominant power source. It is the dream that creates the reality. As we enter into the next Age then you will be faced with your Self in the mirror, and your reality will shape to reflect it. Just like in a dream…At the time of the Spanish conquest the tradition of Nagualism was not openly passed to the next generation because of the view that the Catholic Church held about the Black Tezcatlipoca. The Catholic Church put out bad publicity about Nagualism and people practicing the art of the dream state were not openly accepted at the time. After the Spanish rule had faded and they didn’t have to hide anymore the tradition has not had much interest outside of the few who keep the tradition maybe because of the propaganda that was spread around at that time, so the indigenous wisdom was at a very low point having been kept by only a small number of the descending natives. The elders gave the order to pass the tradition and some even became priests of the Catholic Church and then taught Nagualism within the church in a kind of underground movement interwoven into the religious dogma. They said to keep on passing the information and the knowledge of the tradition because the 6th Sun will eventually come back. So now the interest has come back and the time is approaching where the mark on the calendar is about to be met. Some say it’s already gone and done, but the message from the Ancients is that it is a gradual transition. Also another thing to take into consideration is that our modern Gregorian calendar is different to some other calendars, such as the Ethiopian calendar, where the largely talked about December 21st 2012 mark would be more like around the end of what we are calling 2020. Sergio Magana says that this transition into the next Age is around the time of 2012 – 2021. And the implications are colossal. He is talking about a transition into an Age where the energy that rules the reality is the prime source of all energy. The Tonal is manifest from the Nagual. The Nagual is the subconscious realm and the Tonal is the waking mind. So in the Age to come the reality that we live in is the realm of the Subconscious. This is going to be quite tricky to realize at first and it may seem a bit crazy as things change. The ancients even say that it can be like eating plants, but without actually eating plants. I think you know what they mean if you’ve ever eaten plants seen. Ever been in a dream? He says that the worst option in the Nagual tradition is to come back as a human. He says there are three other exits or ways to transition. First exit is that you can become part of the Sun in the transition, but it’s game over for your soul. Yeah we heard about that one Sergio. He says the next exit is to the Stars to be like an Angel or a light being; but technically you lose free will and are bound to service to others. And the third exit not really an exit but a full transition that keeps your energetic body alive through the next Age as an eternal living being with the free will to help anyone as you please. So it’s probably worth mentioning some of these things to your Self in the mirror as we are approaching these times, because you know for sure the Ancestors have not given the indigenous peoples the means to keep this message going all the way into our present day. They say the 6th Sun will eventually come again and the Black Tezcatlipoca will rule the Night in the realm of the Subconscious for thousands of years. It has never been exactly clear where the exact mark is on the clock or exactly what happens when we move through what happens here, but there is a lot of valid information in the Toltec wisdom and it is certainly worth taking note of something that has been passed down through such a very long lineage. It’s a different spectrum of light that creates the reality in the next coming age we are now transitioning into. The 6th Sun brings fortune or tragedy with the same smile. #ZED3000 #HotPress #FyahNews 🔥

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